Statutory accounts also known as annual accounts are prepared from company’s financial records. The records such as “sales day book” a record or a journal of sales completed for a year and similarly the record for expenses is known as “purchase day book”. Companies and businesses maintain their record of cash and bank statements including credit cards and loan statements.Asset register records the details of assets and their respected depreciation for the year.
Statutory accounts are prepared to be submitted to company’s house in the UK, the registrar of the companies and to HMRC. The accounts prepared and submitted for Companies House is different in format and the information reported in it.
Companies house only require a filleted or abridged version for micro companies under FRS 105 or small companies under FRS 102 1A respectively. Submitting companies house accounts can also be completed via see our guide here. This is shortened version of companies accounts which includes cover page and balance sheet and notes to the accounts.
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Lets expand on this!
The full accounts contain the following information:
Notes to the accounts provide detailed breakdown of items in the balancesheet that erquire further information such as details of assets and additions to them and depreciation charged and carried forward to future years.
This includes transactions with directors and key officials which is of key interest for HMRC and stake holders such as shareholders.
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